Okay I normally wont do something like this but I am going to do it because I know a lot of people out there are trying to get fit. So I have just recently ordered this (I was asked to try it out and review) to try and help me out. I will tell you I love love love to eat! food is so yummy and I know I will never starve! lol anyways so I should be receiving this product soon and I wanted to inform everyone of how it is. I hoping this isn't like other the other ones! I know I have tried other things and supplements but once you stop taking it if you aren't careful you gain the weight back. I know that I have to start exercising and eating healthy and I think that now that im out of school is the best time to do it. I really need to get back in shape. this is the heaviest I have ever been and I feel so ugh about it! so I think it will start now better late then never!
Anyways like I have been saying, I really want to organize my scraproom and not be a crap room anymore! I have so much stuff in there that I could be on hoarders. (well not really, it isn't so bad!) but I do want to clean it up a bit. I have another table but what good is my other table when all I have on it is crap. That really doesn't help me at all. I need to go through all my stuff and see what I am going to use and what I do not want anymore. because im about to start giving some things away and selling others. I do not see why I have so much! well yes I know why but ugh I have to stop buying things!! I think every scrapbooker can tell you that! so the ideas I have had to redo my room is to add some color. Its this pale yellow and I like it but I want something else to make the room pop. As well as some more under the table storage. because I do not have a lot of space in the room but something that rolls in and out would be awesome. I already have two rolling cabinets, (if you can call it that) its called the lennart from ikea. and I have two 4x2 from ikea that are the expedit. they hold my paper and stuff. but I want to look through it and see what I can give away or sell. I know I have paper pads that I never used. so its something. I kinda want it to look like this
I still have a lot of cleaning when I get home from work and taking Brianna to chorus. but I will get it done! Have a good day everyone!
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