WOW!!! Its been a year since I have written here and i know many people dont get on to check if I written or not. Yet I feel like this is for me and I need to be writting here almost everyday or every week. Ive havent been super busy with much. Trying to craft when I get the change. Then I have my daughter who takes up most of my time and then she recently meet her dad so thats something new. I guess he's trying you know, but I pictured something totally different. Dont set yourselves up really! So halloween is upon us and I know im late with decorations but we are selling the house so we dont have decorations up because people that come to see the house do not want anything in the front with is a little sad but I guess its never to early to start for next years stuff! So on friday I will be going to my dollar trees here and seeing what I can find for next years items and do the projects now. I might be able to get some stuff out before Halloween. I as well with this wreath idea will be using it for christmas.So while i sit here at work wondering what else I can make for halloween. I need to get going I will be writing later on if I have time. May everyone have a great time crafting for halloween!

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